
Clients are organizations that are offering the Layer2 products to the Customer or end user. Client is a top level entity in our system and is associated with 1 or more Customers.

NOTE: We partner with clients that are located in any country not on our restricted jurisdiction list. Additionally, clients in some countries may require enhanced due diligence.

We partner with 2 types of clients today:


Regulated clients includes regulated financial institutions (FIs) such as Banks, Trusts, Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs), Licensed fintechs, and Money Service Businesses located in any country not on our restricted jurisdictions list.


Layer2 can only partner with unregulated clients in countries where either:

  1. Layer2 has adequate regulatory licensing coverage either directly or via sponsor banking partners, OR
  2. Licensing is not required

Next Steps

To become a new client, send us a note at or Contact Us via our website.

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