Request Signing

Certain endpoints require secondary validation prior to the request being accepted for processing. We use Ed25519 based signatures to validate requests. These endpoints will specify the x-signature and x-timestamp headers as additional parameters.

Signing Keys

You will generate the signing key pair when onboarding. You are required to provide us the generated Ed25519 public key to complete onboarding.

You must use the associated Ed25519 signing key (private key) when creating signatures for requests.

Please note that signing keys (Ed25519 private keys) should be stored securely. The signing key should only be used to derive request signatures and should never be sent in a request. Layer2 will never request you share your private key.

Signatures are optional unless explicitly required, but are encouraged for all requests. If a signature is provided, it will be verified.

Generating the Signing Key

You must securely generate an Ed25519 key pair on your own hardware and retain both the public and private portions. Layer2 requires the 64-character (32 bytes) hex-encoded Ed25519 during onboarding. Below is a NodeJS code sample to generate keypairs

const crypto = require('crypto');

// Generate the Ed25519 key pair
const keyPair = crypto.generateKeyPairSync('ed25519');

// Extract raw private and public keys
const rawPrivateKey = keyPair.privateKey.export({ type: 'pkcs8', format: 'der' });
const rawPublicKey = keyPair.publicKey.export({ type: 'spki', format: 'der' });

// Convert to hex format for easier representation
const rawPrivateKeyHex = rawPrivateKey.toString('hex');
const rawPublicKeyHex = rawPublicKey.toString('hex');

console.log('Raw Private Key (Hex):', rawPrivateKeyHex);
console.log('Raw Public Key (Hex):     ', rawPublicKeyHex);

Signing a request

To sign a request, generate a request signature using the Ed25519 private (signing) key you generated during onboarding (using the script above), and provide it alongside the request in the x-signature header together with the x-timestamp header. Signing is a 3 step process (below), details of each field using in signing is explained below.

Step Action Description
1 Concatenate Concatenate the timestamp, method, request path, and body into a string. There are no spaces or other characters between these values. The order of the fields MUST follow the order stipulated here.
2 Sign Take the string from step 1 and generate a signature using your Ed25519 private key
3 Encode Take the signed value and hex-encode the output.

The fields used to generate the signature are as follows. If the conditions below are not met, your signature will not validate.

Field Description
Timestamp The number of seconds since the Unix Epoch in UTC, and must be within one minute of the API service's time when the. The same value MUST be also placed in the x-timestamp header.
Method Uppercase HTTP verb (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE)
Request Path Lowercase path minus the domain, including ALL query parameters and values (ex. /api/v1/accounts/payments/1001-1234/address?type=abc).
Body Should be omitted where there is no body (e.g. GET). The stringified HTTP request body.

Signing Example

You can validate your signing code using the example below;

Field Value
Timestamp 1527380000
Method POST
Request Path /api/v1/accounts/payments/1001-1234/address?type=abc
Body {"amount": "100","payment_reference": "FUND01-00023423","payor_id": "0000-0003"}
Signing Key 302e020100300506032b6570042204200df0ce421b0830759ea9bfa727c0f4d0aa7086cfaf26c66e7e85bd10787d5728
Public Key 302a300506032b657003210095de28d850d6be3525384323b5add134dcb9b3bb404f43cbf47dac5e11c351de
Signature Key 51b19da0a23377bbb72222ba78bc32f0ec24404ac24b1a0c8f6942f2eb9e26bd6ffb078b9630a376f45360b74861f29198a81d93c2ae09971969b19532a9a800

Below is a NodeJS example of performing this signing operation

const crypto = require('crypto');

function hexToPem(hexString, type = 'PUBLIC') {
    const base64String = Buffer.from(hexString, 'hex').toString('base64');
    const header = `-----BEGIN ${type} KEY-----\n`;
    const footer = `\n-----END ${type} KEY-----`;
    return header + base64String.match(/.{1,64}/g).join('\n') + footer;

function signMessage(privateKeyPem, message) {
    return crypto.sign(null, Buffer.from(message, 'utf8'), privateKeyPem).toString('hex');

const encodedPrivateKey  = "302e020100300506032b6570042204200df0ce421b0830759ea9bfa727c0f4d0aa7086cfaf26c66e7e85bd10787d5728";  // Replace with your actual encoded private key

var time = "1527380000";
var method = "POST";
var path = "/api/v1/accounts/payments/1001-1234/address?type=abc";
var body = '{"amount": "100","payment_reference": "FUND01-00023423","payor_id": "0000-0003"}';

var message = `${time}${method}${path}${body}`;

// sign
const privateKeyPem = hexToPem(encodedPrivateKey, "PRIVATE");
const signature = signMessage(privateKeyPem, message);
console.log(`Signature: ${signature}`);

Verify a request (webhooks)

When receiving webhooks from Layer2, the signing operation is performed in reverse and you must validate a signature we provide to ensure the webhook originated from Layer2.

When creating a subscription (using the subscription API), you are provided a signature_verification_key. This is the public portion of a Layer2 Ed25519 key pair that you must use to verify the signature of the webhook we send to you. You must save this locally as part of generating subscriptions.

NOTE: The returned signature_verification_key is base64 encoded binary. You should base64 decode and covert to HEX to use in these code samples.

When the webhook is dispatched to you, Layer2 will populate the x-signature header with the signature, and provide the x-timestamp for you to reconstruct the message for verification. Verification is a 2 step process (below), details of each field is explained below.

Step Action Description
1 Concatenate Concatenate the timestamp, method, request path, and body into a string. There are no spaces or other characters between these values. The order of the fields MUST follow the order stipulated here.
2 Verify Take the string from step 1 and verify the signature using the provided Ed25519 public key

The fields used to generate the signature are as follows. If the conditions below are not met, your signature will not validate.

Field Description
Timestamp Taken directly from the x-timestamp header.
Method Uppercase HTTP verb (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE). This will ALWAYS be a POST for webhooks
Request Path Lowercase path minus the domain, including ALL query parameters and values. The request path is everything after the FQDN that the webhook was dispatched to. For example if you registered the following endpoint, the request path is /callbacks/layer2/webhook_end_point?send=here
Body The stringified HTTP request body of the webhook.

NOTE: When stringifying the body, you MUST ensure that no parsing is performed. In many cases parsers (JavaScript parsers are particularly problematic) will reformat certain data field which will prevent the signing operation working correctly. In many cases trailing zeros on amounts are truncated. If using JavaScript, use a buffer parser and covert immediately to a string to prevent this happening.

Below is a NodeJS example of a verification operation

const crypto = require('crypto');

function hexToPem(hexString, type = 'PUBLIC') {
    const base64String = Buffer.from(hexString, 'hex').toString('base64');
    const header = `-----BEGIN ${type} KEY-----\n`;
    const footer = `\n-----END ${type} KEY-----`;
    return header + base64String.match(/.{1,64}/g).join('\n') + footer;

function verifySignature(publicKeyPem, message, signature) {
    return crypto.verify(null, Buffer.from(message, 'utf8'), publicKeyPem, Buffer.from(signature, 'hex'));

function decodeBase64(encodedString) {
    const buffer = Buffer.from(encodedString, 'base64');
    return buffer.toString('hex');

// need to base64 decode public key returned from creating a subscription AND convert to hex 
const encodedPublicKey = decodeBase64("MCowBQYDK2VwAyEAO79OxmhDQNqTo0cSfy3vO5t2hjZO7JWeiCDULvEMHAY=");

var time = "1704931925543";
var method = "POST";
var path = "/layer2/events/0f4c9ce9f2766b2af37ea8ac3fcbb7b5";
var body = '{"event_id":"d2ca6da9-cbc5-4c46-affa-13771cb3dbcd","event_date":"2024-01-10T19:12:05","event_type":"TRANSACTION_POSTED","event_data":{"transaction":{"id":"7a16f3db-7f5c-4f35-b32b-51ff0b9e2df2","account_id":"REDFI_100512.FIAT_TESTNET_USD","value":150.000000000000000000,"transaction_date":"2024-01-10T19:12:01","transaction_posted_date":"2024-01-10T19:12:00","transaction_status":"POSTED","transaction_type":"FIAT_TRANSFER_IN","category_type":"DEPOSIT","category_id":"583e6911-dfc4-4fd5-a502-5fe6c215db9a"}}}';

var message = `${time}${method}${path}${body}`;

// verify
const signature = '1b228a400d0acb970272f97d6bc71e13602f459cf34607dfc003d09f22a94fc13bdd8b59718b0369df5bbbe2354e8e20a2ebca2330a4425d871075ebd6a0f00c';
const publicKeyPem = hexToPem(encodedPublicKey, "PUBLIC");
const isValid = verifySignature(publicKeyPem, message, signature);
console.log(isValid ? "Signature is valid!" : "Signature is NOT valid!");
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