Support Desk

1. Portal access

Access the portal via the following link:


2. Submit a ticket & select a priority

Once you select “Submit a Ticket”, you will be prompted to select a priority / customer impact level. See below for recommendations on the separate levels of priority.

  • Low - Tech issues impacting one or few active implementations.
  • Medium - Users access, reconciliation efforts with client data, or pending KYC applications.
  • High - Any pending transactions longer than expected, high volume of failing/pending trades.
  • Urgent - Service or System Outage.


3. Select type of request

  • In general, most requests will be technical problems for anything related to the APIs or for any KYC or ops related issues, select operational requests.


4. Subject

  • Describe the main issue

5. Description


  • Describe the issue and include transaction ID, value, and as much as information as possible including account id, payment id, or customer.
  • You can also attach screenshots if necessary (at the end of the page)


6. Requester

  • Your email address

7. Submit your request

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